All rights reserved.
"Taijiquan is a tool for evaluating our inner balance."
- David Chen-

Inner Balance Tai Chi is dedicated to the study
and practice of taijiquan and the internal arts.

Inner Balance Tai Chi
with Randy Atkins

Germantown, Maryland
The painting featured above is by my late
teacher, David C.Chen,.who embodied the
taiji spirit and was a true inspiration to us
all.  It appears here courtesy of David's
wife, Joanne Chang, and may not be
reproduced in any manner without her
expressed written permission.
Visit the Tai Chi Court at Cabin John Regional Park

7400 Tuckerman Lane, Potomac, MD  (Only a few blocks from the Montgomery Mall)

Open Tai Chi Form Practice and Push-Hands every Saturday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Link for Map to Cabin John Regional Park & the Tai Chi Court